The 5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Bedroom blunders might make great fodder for a few yarns over beers – but if you want to ensure YOU’RE not the butt of someone else’s anecdote, there are a few carnal clangers you should sidestep at all costs. We’re spilling the beans on the five biggest mistakes men make in bed so you can avoid ‘em!

1: Rush Hour

Picture this: you're about to enjoy a delightful meal, and someone snatches the plate away before you can savour a single bite. Not cool, right? Well, the same principle applies in the bedroom. Jumping straight to the finish line without exploring the scenic route is a major mood-killer. Take your time, folks; it's not a race – it's a delightful journey. 

2: Silent Symphony

We get it; not everyone is Mozart in the bedroom, but absolute silence is a mood dampener. Communicate, laugh, and yes, make some noise! It doesn't have to be an award-winning performance, but a little vocal participation goes a long way. Trust us; it's like adding a sprinkle of magic to your romantic recipe.

3: Overconfidence Conundrum

Confidence is great, but too much of it can be a slippery slope. Assuming you know all the tricks and your partner's desires without checking in is a common mistake. Remember, each person is a unique universe of preferences. Be open, ask questions, and explore together. It's not a one-man show; it's a two-person tango.

4: Tech Tango

We love our gadgets, but bringing your phone into the bedroom and treating it like your personal paparazzi? Not so much. Checking notifications mid-action or, heaven forbid, answering a call can be a major turnoff. Leave the tech outside the bedroom – it's time to focus on more important connections. 

5: Uncoordinated Choreography

Think of the bedroom as a dance floor. Random flailing doesn't make a dance, and similarly, haphazard moves won't make for a stellar performance. Pay attention to your partner's cues, be responsive, and sync up your moves. It's all about creating a harmonious dance, not a chaotic carnival.

While avoiding the blunders above can help you keep your bedroom game strong it’s important to remember, we're all human! And who doesn't love a good laugh? If you can keep the bedroom vibe playful, communicative, and – most importantly – enjoyable, you’ll be on the road to turning your next intimate escapade into a night neither of you will ever forget… for all the RIGHT reasons.